Delta Lite
Do you want to play your favorite Nintendo NES Console games on your iPad. Then Download Delta Lite NES Console Emulator App for iOS 11.4.1 / 11.3.1 / 12.1 on iPad, No jailbreak / pc required.

Delta Lite is Free & Open source NES Console Emulator App, Created and Developed by Riley Testut. He was the same Developer of SNES4iOS, Delta and GBA4iOS Emulators. Actually, DeltaLite is a Swift Playground, After the Installation process that will allows us to play Premium NES console game in the Swift Playgrounds app on iPad Devices.
- Save State support.
- Game cheat codes support.
- Delta’s unique Sustain Button.
- Supports all NES Console games with high emulation speed.
- Rich Graphics.
- Completely Designed for iOS iPad Users.
- Natively runs on iPad.
App Information
- Developer: Riley Testut (@rileytestut)
- Official Website:
- Version: 1.0
- Size: Unknown.
- Compatibility: Requires iOS 11+ and more.
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